How to License Our Premium Stock Footage

Network & Broadcast
Our news and sports libraries offer incredible true stories of athletes and historic figures who have changed the way the game is played, altered the course of history, and inspired us through their lives. If you are looking to build compelling reporting, go deeper with investigative journalism, or create an inspiring narrative, we have the original footage to help your network tell the stories of your community. From the excitement of collegiate and professional sports to breaking news to viral social media videos, we have the research team, clearance and rights expertise and project management to get your stories on air in no time.
Explore Our LibraryEntertainment & Documentarians
Content creation continues to grow and grow with no end in sight. The emergence of streaming platforms has called on the creative community to produce more films, episodic series and documentaries. Here at Veritone, we take great pride in providing content that can complement the vision of a young, hungry filmmaker to an Academy award-winning director. The assets we represent can play a variety of roles-from an aerial shot of a major city to establish a setting for a film or an iconic moment in our nation’s history that will drive the narrative of a documentary. Our team welcomes the opportunity to help creatives find the exact moment that will help tell their story.
Explore Our LibraryBrands & Creative Agencies
Brands like Nike, Rolex, ESPN, AT&T, Uber Eats, and agencies such as Wieden + Kennedy, Evoke Films, Arts & Letters, BBDO and Anomaly work with us to create compelling narratives that drive connection and tell a deeper story. Whether it’s a heart-pounding commercial with buzzer-beating scores from your favorite athletes or heartwarming moments from real households coming together during the coronavirus lockdowns that remind us we’re all in this together, we have the content that powerfully brings your stories to life.
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